Find Support & Grounding Clarity with

Group Coaching for New Moms.

Receive the support and guidance you need to thrive.

Discover Your Strengths & Find Balance with Group Coaching for New Moms

As you may be experiencing, modern Motherhood is hard AF. We were never meant to do this alone - it still takes a village - and especially now, as societal expectations soar and societal support plummets.

But with our group coaching program for new moms, you'll find the support, guidance, and empowerment you need to thrive.

Led by ICF-certified coach Coral Edwards, this group coaching program is designed specifically for new moms who want to gain clarity about their new identity, manage the seemingly limitless stress of being a new mom, and learn to integrate their new role as Mom with their pre-Mom selves. Over the course of 6 weeks, you and 4 or 5 of your peers (new moms!) will develop your own New Mom Village through group coaching and hands-on workshops, all facilitated in a nonjudgemental, loving, and supportive space.

If this sounds necessary and nourishing, consider registering for our upcoming group coaching program, which begins in October.

Contact me to learn more!

Find clarity, support, and groundedness with Group Coaching for New Moms.

Get a Glimpse into Our Proven Group Coaching Methods for New Moms

  • Evidence-Based Group Coaching

    As your coach, I will create and hold the sacred space, prompt safe and judgment-free dialogue, guide, facilitate, coach, & make offerings.

  • Somatic Exploration

    Through somatic coaching, you will explore the fundamental ways your ‘way of being’ hinders - or facilitates - the way you show up in the world.

  • Guided Exercises & Meditations

    You will gain self-insights through journaling, grounding meditations, guided visioning exercises, supportive conversation, and curious inquiry.

  • A Supportive Village

    Motherhood shouldn’t be lonely & it doesn’t have to be this hard. In addition to growing through coaching, you can grow through your village.

This cohort-based coaching group is for you if you are ready to…

Show up as the authentic you.

Like most things in life, you will only get out of coaching what you put in. I will provide the safe container, the guided prompts, and the curious inquiry. You will achieve your goals when you show up - ready and willing - to grow.

Bring your vulnerability.

Perhaps similar to parenthood, true growth is rarely clean, rarely pretty. This group experience will be raw, sacred, and deep. Your vulnerability is beautiful, and it is most welcome here. We will treat it with kindness, respect, and love.

Lead with curiosity.

Part of the magic in group coaching is watching your peers untangle deep-rooted beliefs and unlock transformational insights. Through curious, gentle inquiry, you can help your village step into their power and thrive.

Create your modern mom village.

In addition to receiving coaching from me, you, alongside your fellow cohort, will create your modern village through this intimate and bonding growth experience.

Support your fellow parents.

Modern parenting is hard AF, and we all need support. Each and every one of us is struggling, and the fellow Moms in this group are here to support, nurture, and champion you every step of the way.

Fulfill your goals and grow.

You are here, exploring coaching because you are looking for a change. Whatever your reasoning for exploring group coaching, this is your place and time to do the work, fulfill your goals, and grow.

As Featured On:

Client Testimonials

  • "I love working with Coral! As a mom, my mind, my time, and my priorities were frustratingly fragmented. Coral always provided time and space for me to think through things, with gentle prompts. Overall, I ended up with courage to go after the goals and ideas I had in my mind, and strategies to deal with all the concerns that I felt were stopping me before."

    Bo, Entrepreneur | Founder, Baby Gear Group | Wharton MBA | Mom

  • "I transitioned to a new role immediately after maternity leave. Coral helped me develop and implement strategies to manage difficult working relationships, disrupt negative thought patterns, and helped me achieve clarity on my career goals. Her work is enlightening, affirming, and actionable."

    Anony-Momma, Physician Scientist | Mom

  • "When I started working with Coral, I was in a crossroads with career, motherhood, and my identity. I was actively seeking a "soft space" to release, be vulnerable, and find clarity and I found that and more working with Coral. Through our work together, I achieved a real shift in mindset and found great clarity in my professional desires. I evolved in the way that I think and feel and I learned strategies on how to effectively communicate my needs while still giving myself grace as I navigate many transitions. My biggest takeaway was affirming that there is power in my story and that my journey of self-discovery will continue to evolve. ”

    Gwendolyn Stevens, Educator | Student Affairs Practitioner | Mom

  • "I was lost - all of my spinning plates had simultaneously crashed except for the "new mom" one that was teetering on the verge of collapsing. [...] Coral gently helped me scoop up all of the ceramic shards and helped me create a brand new mosaic - cohesive, stable, integrated, different from before, but beautiful."

    Kate Liu, Vice President | Brand Strategy & Strategic Partnerships | Wharton MBA | Mom

Coaching is…

“Actionable.” “Spacious.” “Empathetic.” “Healing.” Profound.”

These are a few of the adjectives clients use when describing our work together.

Through open-ended questions, kindness, and patience, I create a sacred space for your cohort to explore yourselves — your patterns, identities, problems, and successes.

Coaching can help you:

  • Change deeply-rooted patterns or behaviors.

  • Create structure and accountability to thrive.

  • Unlock your potential and step into your power.

  • Feel empowered, confident, and grounded.

  • Achieve your personal & professional goals.

  • Become the leader/parent/employee/person you want to be.

Hi, I’m Coral.

As an ICF-certified coach with years of experience, I can help you overcome obstacles, build confidence, and develop the skills you need to succeed.

With personalized group coaching sessions tailored to the group’s unique goals and challenges, I will work with each group member to create a roadmap for success. Whether you are seeking better work-life balance, overcoming plaguing patterns, or navigating a difficult transition, coaching can help you get there.

Are you ready to achieve your full potential? Schedule a free consultation with me.

  • "I love working with Coral! As a mom, my mind, my time, and my priorities were frustratingly fragmented. Coral always provided time and space for me to think through things, with gentle prompts. Overall, I ended up with courage to go after the goals and ideas I had in my mind, and strategies to deal with all the concerns that I felt were stopping me before."

    Bo, Entrepreneur | Founder, Baby Gear Group | Wharton MBA | Mom

  • "I was lost - all of my spinning plates had simultaneously crashed except for the "new mom" one that was teetering on the verge of collapsing. [...] Coral gently helped me scoop up all of the ceramic shards and helped me create a brand new mosaic - cohesive, stable, integrated, different from before, but beautiful."

    Kate Liu, Vice President | Brand Strategy & Strategic Partnerships | Wharton MBA | Mom

  • "When I started working with Coral, I was in a crossroads with career, motherhood, and my identity. I was actively seeking a "soft space" to release, be vulnerable, and find clarity and I found that and more working with Coral. Through our work together, I achieved a real shift in mindset and found great clarity in my professional desires. I evolved in the way that I think and feel and I learned strategies on how to effectively communicate my needs while still giving myself grace as I navigate many transitions. My biggest takeaway was affirming that there is power in my story and that my journey of self-discovery will continue to evolve. ”

    Gwendolyn Stevens, Educator | Student Affairs Practitioner | Mom

  • "I transitioned to a new role immediately after maternity leave. Coral helped me develop and implement strategies to manage difficult working relationships, disrupt negative thought patterns, and helped me achieve clarity on my career goals. Her work is enlightening, affirming, and actionable."

    Anony-Momma, Physician Scientist | Mom

Answers to your questions

  • We find the following two metaphors help illustrate the difference between therapy and coaching:

    1. A therapist is an archeologist, a coach is an architect.

    2. As a client, you are the driver of your car. As your coach, I will sit in the passenger seat. I may hold the map and recommend we turn left or right, but you have complete control over where you drive the car. We may occasionally look in the rearview mirror to examine the past for clues about the present, but the car is always moving forward.

    I believe every human can benefit from both a coach and a therapist. I have both myself.

  • You will achieve whatever you put into coaching. I will be your guide, your facilitator, your advocate, and your supporter, but you are the owner of you, and you have ownership over what you achieve in coaching.

    You can achieve transformational change if you are ready, willing, and open. You can become the leader / parent / employee / person you want to be.

  • I am not the expert of your life; you are. However, I am an ICF-certified Evidence-Based Coach and a certified member of the GSAEC.

    I have worked with a range of professionals (parents) - from doctors to entrepreneurs, from CEOs to managers, from small business owners to Fortune 500 execs) across various industries (technology, academia, pharmaceuticals, professional services, start-ups, public policymakers, nonprofits, etc.).

    While it’s nice to be familiar with a vertical or role, coaching is about the person getting coached, not the role they hold or the vertical they work in.

    I begin every coaching engagement with a free 30-minute chemistry call to ensure we’re a good fit. In this call, we will learn more about one another, we will engage in light coaching, and I will make space to address any questions and concerns you have.

    We can move forward with coaching if we mutually agree we are a good fit. If not, I will collaborate with you to find a better solution that fits your needs.

  • We are the same person, whether at work with colleagues, at home with our kids, or out with our friends or partner.

    We may wear a mask to work, wear a mask to parent, and/or wear a mask to socialize. I don’t coach the mask. I coach the person wearing the mask.

    Coaching you, the person, rather than one of your masks, will impact your WHOLE life - including your professional life, personal life, and everywhere in between.