Packing List [Template]

Hey Packing Parent. As you may or may not have learned, packing for a trip (er, packing for anything, but especially a trip) isn’t quite as easy as it used to be. Ok, that’s an understatement. It’s a cluster fuck. 

I’ve always used a packing list template for myself but when I added littles into the equation, my packing list template became my savior. 
It helps me stay organized. It saves precious time. And perhaps most importantly, it ensures I don’t forget one of the 15 million things I or my kiddos need for our trip. 
This template lists everything you’ll need by category. You can duplicate it, customize it with your essentials, and then use it every time you go on a trip. Simple as that. 

Get the template!

Do you have ideas for how to improve this template? If so, drop 'em in the comments below -I’d love to hear what works - and what doesn’t - for you!

Hi, I’m Coral.

After having two children and returning to work, I felt completely lost and directionless — my identity had shattered, and I didn't know who I was anymore. Over the years, I picked up the pieces and created a new vision for my life, identity, and purpose.

Now I'm on a mission to help moms and primary caregivers navigate their own journeys, for a more fulfilling and authentic path forward. In addition to supporting individuals, I help organizations implement practices that offer deeply needed support to moms and primary caregivers — because we can’t make these changes alone.

Interested in working together? See how I work with both individuals and organizations for sustainable growth. Schedule a free consultation.


Your Most Important Thing 


Coral Edwards: My Narrative